BYRD - Administrator’s and Developer’s Guide


Custom Dashlet

For custom dashlets you create a new file preferably with the pattern name-of-your-data-model-customTemplates.html. The general syntax of a custom input control looks something like this, taken from the BYRD Demo Model.

### demomodel-customTemplates.html ###

<script type="text/ng-template" id="MyTasksTmpl">
  <table id="myTasksOverview" class="table bootstrap-datatable datatable small-font">
        <th style="width: 65%" data-translate>LABEL.TASK</th>
        <th style="width: 15%" data-translate>LABEL.AUTHOR</th>
        <th style="width: 20%" data-translate>LABEL.CREATED_AT</th>
      <tr data-ng-repeat="task in value.tasks | orderBy: '-createDate'">
          <a data-ng-href='/tasks/{{ }}'>{{ task.title }}</a>
          <span>{{ }}</span>
          <span>{{ task.createDate | date: 'medium' }}</span>

Then you need to reference this file in the pim.xml under the META-INF directory like so:


Additionally you need a customDirectives file for the functions used by this custom dashlet.

The first factory is used to retrieve the data through the API.

### demomodel-customDirectives.js ###

app.factory('MyTasksFactory', function (GenericDashletFactory, TaskListsResource) {
  return {
        create: function (config) {
            config = config || {};
            config.fetchData = function(callback) {
                var model = {};
                model.tasks = [];
                TaskListsResource.query({}, function(response) {
                    response.forEach(function(list, index, arr) {
                        tasks = TaskListsResource.query({
                        }, function(tasks) {
                           tasks.forEach(function(task, i2, arr){
                             if(config.user.userId==task.assignee && task.taskStatus!="FINISHED"){
            return GenericDashletFactory.create(config);

This service is used to register our newly created custom dashlet.

app.service('CustomDashletRegistry', function ( DashletRegistry, $translate, StatisticsPieChartFactory, GenericDashletFactory, $rootScope, MyTasksFactory, $location) {
    return {
        load: function () {
                    name: 'tasks',
                    imageUrl: '/api/v1/assets/my_tasks_dashlet.png',
                    title: $translate('LABEL.MY_TASKS'),
                    description: $translate('DESCRIPTION.MY_TASKS'),
                    directive: 'my-tasks',
                    dataModelType: MyTasksFactory.create({user: $rootScope.user})
param description
name public asset url of the custom dashlet thumbnail in the dashboard config
imageUrl dashlet title for the header and dashboard config. Can be a simple string or translated string taken from the*
title same as title for description text in dashboard config
description reference name for the directive (dash-separated)
directive reference to the custom factory used by this custom dashlet where the directive gets its data
dataModelType reference to the custom dashlet factory

Finally this directive references the element from the demomodel-customTemplates.html file.

app.directive('myTasks', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        replace: true,
        templateUrl: 'MyTasksTmpl',
        scope: {
            value: '=value'
param description
templateUrl template element id from 'demomodel-customTemplates.html'

Setting thumbnail for custom dashlet in dashboard config

For custom dashlets you can add a Thumbnail Image for the Edit Dashboard config. Just put your image (jpg or png) in the same directory. Your file structure should look something like this.

│   demomodel.rb
│   demomodel-customDirectives.js    
│   demomodel-customTemplates.html
│   my_tasks_dashlet.png
    │   pim.xml

Finally you just zip the whole directory and upload this archive in BYRD under Administration > Data Model Upload