module PIM
- DefaultExportFormats
Create Enum type containing all known export formats
- EmptyToNilHashAttribute
Special Hash type attribute which will always return ‘nil’ if empty in json
- EmptyToNilSetAttribute
Special Set type attribute which will always return ‘nil’ if empty in json
- InternalSystemHashAttribute
Internal system attribute of base class ‘Hash’ which does not return it’s value as json
- PublicationStatus
Create some system types
Public Class Methods
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# File pim.rb, line 645 def self.__after_request # Call exit blocks request_exit_blocks = Thread.current[:__request_exit_blocks] unless request_exit_blocks.nil? request_exit_blocks.each do |block_name, block| begin rescue => e PIM.log_error "Error executing request exit block '#{block_name}'", e end end Thread.current[:__request_exit_blocks] = nil end # Reset fiber local caches Thread.current[:__caches] = nil end
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# File pim.rb, line 635 def self.__before_request # Reset fiber local caches Thread.current[:__caches] = nil # Reset request exit blocks Thread.current[:__request_exit_blocks] = {} end
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# File pim.rb, line 631 def self.__fiber_local_cache name (Thread.current[:__caches] ||= {})[name.to_sym] ||= {} end
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# File pim.rb, line 41 def self.active_module return @current_active_module if @current_active_module return PIM if all_modules.empty? @all_modules.values.last end
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# File pim.rb, line 206 def self.additional_attributes_as_json attribute_names_per_module return active_module.additional_attributes_as_json(attribute_names_per_module) if not all_modules.empty? end
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# File pim.rb, line 202 def self.additional_categories_as_json category_names_per_module return active_module.additional_categories_as_json(category_names_per_module) if not all_modules.empty? end
additional_section_attributes_as_json(layout_name, item)
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# File pim.rb, line 210 def self.additional_section_attributes_as_json layout_name, item return active_module.additional_section_attributes_as_json(layout_name, item) if not all_modules.empty? end
after_store(new_item, old_item = nil, opts = {})
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# File pim.rb, line 432 def self.after_store new_item, old_item = nil, opts = {} execute_item_method 'after_store', new_item, old_item, opts end
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# File pim.rb, line 33 def self.all_modules @all_modules ||= {} end
at_request_exit(block_name = nil, &block)
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# File pim.rb, line 667 def self.at_request_exit block_name = nil, &block unless block.nil? block_name ||= block.to_s request_exit_blocks = (Thread.current[:__request_exit_blocks] ||= {}) request_exit_blocks[block_name] = block return block_name end unless block_name.nil? request_exit_blocks = Thread.current[:__request_exit_blocks] return request_exit_blocks.nil? ? nil : request_exit_blocks[block_name] end return nil end
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# File pim.rb, line 155 def self.attribute_rules_as_json return active_module.attribute_rules_as_json if not all_modules.empty? return [] end
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# File pim.rb, line 122 def self.attributes_as_json return active_module.attributes_as_json if not all_modules.empty? end
before_delete(new_item, opts = {})
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# File pim.rb, line 436 def self.before_delete new_item, opts = {} execute_item_method 'before_delete', new_item, nil, opts end
before_store(old_item, new_item, called_from_import)
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Old version: Just for compatibility with projects which directly called this method
# File pim.rb, line 392 def self.before_store old_item, new_item, called_from_import return [] if all_modules.empty? begin old_item = Item.from_json old_item, { :init_multivalue => false } if old_item rescue Exception => e PIM.log_warn("Could not resolve class of old item in 'before_store' (#{old_item})", e) end begin new_item = Item.from_json new_item, { :init_multivalue => false } rescue Exception => e PIM.log_warn("Could not resolve class of new item in 'before_store' (#{new_item})", e) end begin if new_item && new_item.kind_of?(Item) items_changed = [{ "ORIG" => new_item }] before_store = new_item.method(:before_store) if before_store.arity == 1 and not called_from_import items_changed_in_class = new_item.before_store(old_item) elsif before_store.arity == 2 items_changed_in_class = new_item.before_store(old_item, called_from_import) end items_changed_in_class.each do |item| items_changed << { "SAVE" => item } end if items_changed_in_class and items_changed_in_class.respond_to? :each return items_changed end rescue Exception => e PIM.log_error("Error in 'before_store'", e) end return [] end
before_store_v2(new_item, old_item = nil, opts = {})
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# File pim.rb, line 428 def self.before_store_v2 new_item, old_item = nil, opts = {} execute_item_method 'before_store', new_item, old_item, opts end
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# File pim.rb, line 627 def self.cache PIM.__fiber_local_cache(:__pim_cache) end
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# File pim.rb, line 615 def self.calculate_category values return nil if all_modules.empty? values = PIM::Utils.symbolized_hash(values) active_module.calculate_category values end
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# File pim.rb, line 621 def self.calculate_primary_key values return nil if all_modules.empty? values = PIM::Utils.symbolized_hash(values) active_module.calculate_primary_key values end
call_item_method(method_name, new_item, old_item = nil, opts = {})
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# File pim.rb, line 544 def self.call_item_method method_name, new_item, old_item = nil, opts = {} method_sym = method_name.to_sym return nil if not new_item.respond_to?(method_sym) item_method = new_item.method(method_sym) arity = item_method.arity.abs result = nil # # Omit calling before_store if we are called in the context # of a depublication, and the current datamodel is not aware # that this can happen. # if method_name == 'before_store' called_from_depublication = opts[:called_from_depublication] || opts['called_from_depublication'] if called_from_depublication and not active_module.has_option?(:consider_called_from_depublication) PIM.log_debug("Store method '#{method_name}' called from depublication, but current datamodel is not aware of this feature. Invocation will be omitted.") return nil end end if method_name == 'before_store' and not active_module.has_option?(:use_before_store_opts) # For compatibility: 'before_store' only has the 'called_from_import' parameter called_from_import = opts[:called_from_import] || opts['called_from_import'] if arity == 2 result =, called_from_import) elsif arity == 1 # For compatibility: Without 'called_from_import' parameter, 'before_store' is not called at all if not called_from_import result = end elsif arity == 0 result = else PIM.log_warn("Store method '#{method_name}' does not have the correct number of arguments (#{arity} not in 0, 1 or 2)") end else if arity == 2 result =, opts) elsif arity == 1 opts[:old_item] = opts['old_item'] = old_item result = elsif arity == 0 result = else PIM.log_warn("Item method '#{method_name}' does not have the correct number of arguments (#{arity} not in 0, 1 or 2)") end end return result end
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# File pim.rb, line 126 def self.categories_as_json return active_module.categories_as_json if not all_modules.empty? end
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# File pim.rb, line 169 def self.category_as_json category_name return nil if all_modules.empty? category = active_module.category category_name return category.as_json if category end
cleanup_items(items, include_empty)
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# File pim.rb, line 532 def self.cleanup_items items, include_empty do |item| if item.is_a?(PIM::Item) json_hash = item.as_json(include_empty: include_empty) json_string = json_hash.to_json # Creates a JSON string JSON.parse(json_string) # Creates a "cleaned up" JSON Hash else item end end end
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# File pim.rb, line 142 def self.communication_channels_as_json return active_module.communication_channels_as_json if not all_modules.empty? end
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# File pim.rb, line 138 def self.communication_plans_as_json return active_module.communication_plans_as_json if not all_modules.empty? end
compute_item_hierarchies_to_publish(primary_keys, publication = nil)
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Should not be overridden in data model!
# File pim.rb, line 327 def self.compute_item_hierarchies_to_publish primary_keys, publication = nil return {} if active_module.nil? if active_module.respond_to?(:compute_item_hierarchies_to_publish) # Data model overrides 'compute_item_hierarchies_to_publish' PIM.log_info("Data model overrides 'compute_item_hierarchies_to_publish' method") return active_module.compute_item_hierarchies_to_publish(primary_keys) elsif active_module.respond_to?(:compute_items_to_publish) # Data model implements old 'compute_items_to_publish' method PIM.log_warn("Data model still implements old 'compute_items_to_publish' method") return active_module.compute_items_to_publish(primary_keys) else # Simple LRU item cache item_cache = # Options to retrieve publication hierarchies publication_type = PIM.get_value(publication, 'publication_type') publication_values = PIM.get_value(publication, 'publication_values') publish_only_valid = PIM.get_value(publication_values, 'only_valid') if publish_only_valid.nil? publish_only_valid = publication_type.nil? || publication_type == 'ADD' else publish_only_valid = publish_only_valid.to_s.downcase == 'true' end opts = { :item_cache => item_cache, :only_valid => publish_only_valid, :publication => (publication || {}) } # Step one: Determine the top level items for the hierarchies to publish top_level_items = active_module.get_top_level_items(primary_keys, opts) # Step two: Determine the hierarchies for each top level item item_hierarchies = {} top_level_items.each do |top_level_item, status| # Set status from top_level_item result opts[:status] = status item_hierarchy = active_module.get_item_hierarchy(top_level_item, opts) item_hierarchy = active_module.update_hierarchy(item_hierarchy, opts) item_hierarchies[top_level_item] = item_hierarchy unless item_hierarchy.nil? end return item_hierarchies end end
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# File pim.rb, line 99 def self.contact_attributes_as_json return active_module.contact_attributes if not all_modules.empty? return [] end
copy_item_as_json(item, organization)
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# File pim.rb, line 179 def self.copy_item_as_json item, organization return nil if all_modules.empty? copy = active_module.copy_item item, organization return copy.as_json if copy end
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# File pim.rb, line 109 def self.dashboard_attributes_as_json return active_module.dashboard_attributes if not all_modules.empty? return [] end
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# File pim.rb, line 114 def self.data_model_as_json return active_module.data_model_as_json if not all_modules.empty? end
data_model_services(service_data_model_hash_map = nil)
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# File pim.rb, line 79 def self.data_model_services service_data_model_hash_map = nil @service_data_model_hash_map = service_data_model_hash_map unless service_data_model_hash_map.nil? @service_data_model_hash_map end
default_item_as_json(category_name, organization, user)
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# File pim.rb, line 185 def self.default_item_as_json category_name, organization, user return nil if all_modules.empty? category = active_module.category category_name if category and category.respond_to?(:default_item) organization = PIM::Services.__convert(organization, to: PIM::Services::OrganizationService::Organization) user = PIM::Services.__convert(user, to: PIM::Services::AccountService::LoginAccount) arity = category.method(:default_item).arity item = case arity when 2 then category.default_item(organization, user) when 1 then category.default_item(organization) else category.default_item end return item.as_json if !item.nil? end end
execute_item_method(method_name, new_item, old_item = nil, opts = {})
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# File pim.rb, line 440 def self.execute_item_method method_name, new_item, old_item = nil, opts = {} return {} if all_modules.empty? begin new_item = PIM::Item.from_json(new_item, :init_multivalue => false) rescue Exception => e PIM.log_warn("Could not create new item in '#{method_name}' for:\n#{new_item}", e) end return {} if not new_item.is_a?(PIM::Item) old_item ||= opts[:old_item] if old_item begin old_item = PIM::Item.from_json(old_item, :init_multivalue => false) rescue Exception => e PIM.log_warn("Could not create old item in '#{method_name}' for:\n#{old_item}", e) end old_item = nil if not old_item.is_a?(PIM::Item) end begin method_call_result = self.call_item_method(method_name, new_item, old_item, opts) rescue Exception => e PIM.log_error("Error calling '#{method_name}' method", e) return { "exception" => e.message } end result = {} include_empty = active_module.has_option?(:return_empty_values) if method_name == 'before_store' # Check if 'store_item' was set to false if PIM.get_value(method_call_result, :store_item) == false # NOTE: We could allow to set 'store_item' to a Hash in order to store the item as specified! # This way we would not merge the item with the old values at all! result['this'] = false result['call_after_store'] = false else result['this'] = new_item.as_json(:include_empty => include_empty) result['call_after_store'] = (self.call_item_method('call_after_store?', new_item, old_item, opts) == true) end end if not is_empty?(method_call_result) if is_array?(method_call_result) result['others'] = self.cleanup_items(method_call_result, include_empty) elsif is_hash?(method_call_result) # Set 'status_values' from call result, if any self.set_javaify_method_call_result(result, method_call_result, :status_values) # Set 'item_hierarchies' from call result, if any self.set_javaify_method_call_result(result, method_call_result, :item_hierarchies) # Convert and add store_options and store_items to actual result result_others = {} # Use 'javaify' to convert the options to ensure no Ruby Symbol objects are used in Java self.set_javaify_method_call_result(result_others, method_call_result, :store_options) self.set_javaify_method_call_result(result_others, method_call_result, :delete_items) self.set_javaify_method_call_result(result_others, method_call_result, :validate_items) # Set items to store as "cleaned up" JSON self.set_method_call_result(result_others, method_call_result, :store_items) { |items| PIM.cleanup_items(items, include_empty: include_empty) } result['others'] = result_others unless PIM.is_empty?(result_others) end end return result end
execute_plan_action(action_type, action_creator, action_tags, action_date, channel, organization, data)
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# File pim.rb, line 387 def self.execute_plan_action action_type, action_creator, action_tags, action_date, channel, organization, data return active_module.execute_plan_action(action_type, action_creator, action_tags, action_date, channel, organization, data) if not all_modules.empty? end
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# File pim.rb, line 134 def self.filters_as_json return active_module.filters_as_json if not all_modules.empty? end
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# File pim.rb, line 37 def self.has_module? module_name @all_modules && @all_modules.include?(module_name.to_s) end
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# File pim.rb, line 146 def self.in_platform_publication_as_json return as_json(active_module.in_platform_publication) if not all_modules.empty? end
item_hierarchy_graph(item, hierarchy_name = nil)
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Return an item hierarchy graph for the specified item and hierarchy name. If hiearchy_name
is nil, returns the “default” hierarchy.
The resulted hierarchy should have the following JSON structure: { "items": [ { "primaryKey": "22222", <- Primary key of the item in the hierarchy "level": 1 <- Level of hierarchy, starts with 0 }, ... ], // Alternatively, it is also possible to use primary keys only, e.g. items: [ "1234", "4567", ... ] however no mixture of both! "relations": [ { "parentItem": "", <- Primary key of the parent item "childItem": "", <- Primary key of the child item "relationValue": "20x", <- Value of the relationship (optional) "relationAttribute": "amount" <- The unit of the relationship (optional) }, ... ]
# File pim.rb, line 262 def self.item_hierarchy_graph item, hierarchy_name = nil return nil if all_modules.empty? if is_hash?(item) begin item = Item.from_json(item, { :init_multivalue => false }) rescue Exception => e PIM.log_warn("Could not create item in 'item_hierarchy_graph' for:\n#{item}", e) end elsif is_string?(item) primary_key = item item = PIM::Services::ItemService.get_item_as_ruby(primary_key, :init_multivalue => false) PIM.log_warn("Item for primary key '#{primary_key}' in item_hierarchy_graph not found") if item.nil? end return nil if not item.is_a?(Item) # Get hierarchy graph for item hierarchy_graph = item.method(:hierarchy_graph) if hierarchy_graph arity = hierarchy_graph.arity hierarchy = case arity when 0 then item.hierarchy_graph() when 1, -1 then item.hierarchy_graph(hierarchy_name) when 2, -2 then item.hierarchy_graph(hierarchy_name, {}) else PIM.log_warn("'hierarchy_graph' method for category #{item.class} does not have the correct number of arguments (#{arity.abs} not in 0, 1 or 2)") nil end else PIM.log_info("No 'hierarchy_graph' method in category #{item.class}") hierarchy = nil end if is_hash?(hierarchy) hierarchy[:items].map! { |item| camelize(item) } if hierarchy[:items] hierarchy[:relations].map! { |relation| camelize(relation) } if hierarchy[:relations] end return hierarchy end
layout_as_json(layout_name, opts = {})
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# File pim.rb, line 225 def self.layout_as_json layout_name, opts = {} return nil if all_modules.empty? layout = active_module.layout layout_name return layout.as_json(opts) if layout end
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# File pim.rb, line 130 def self.layouts_as_json return active_module.layouts_as_json if not all_modules.empty? end
managing_user_roles_as_json(user, contact)
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# File pim.rb, line 218 def self.managing_user_roles_as_json user, contact # FIXME: Add 'Contact' class in 'ContactService' to support execution on external Ruby! # user = PIM::Services.__convert(user, to: PIM::Services::AccountService::LoginAccount) # contact = PIM::Services.__convert(contact, to: PIM::Services::ContactService::Contact) return active_module.managing_user_roles_as_json(user, contact) if not all_modules.empty? end
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# File pim.rb, line 175 def self.mapping_functions_as_json return active_module.mapping_functions_as_json if not all_modules.empty? end
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# File pim.rb, line 160 def self.media_asset_naming_patterns_as_json return as_json(active_module.media_asset_naming_patterns) end
merge_item_reviews(new_item_review, old_item_review)
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We expect the passed itemReviews formatted as JSON strings
# File pim.rb, line 308 def self.merge_item_reviews new_item_review, old_item_review new_item_review_hash = JSON.parse(new_item_review) new_item_review = old_item_review = result = active_module.merge_item_reviews(new_item_review, old_item_review) return nil if result.nil? result.as_json .select {|k,v| ItemReview::WRITABLE_MEMBERS.include?(k)} .each_pair {|k,v| new_item_review_hash[k] = v} return new_item_review_hash end
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# File pim.rb, line 231 def self.migrate_as_json args return nil if all_modules.empty? migrated_values = active_module.migrate!(args) return as_json(migrated_values) end
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# File pim.rb, line 118 def self.option_lists_as_json return active_module.option_lists_as_json if not all_modules.empty? end
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# File pim.rb, line 89 def self.organization_attributes_as_json return active_module.organization_attributes if not all_modules.empty? return [] end
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# File pim.rb, line 63 def self.print_json object json = return_json(object) print json if json end
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# File pim.rb, line 47 def self.reset all_modules.keys.each do |m| PIM::Utils.remove_const_on_parent m end @all_modules = nil end
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# File pim.rb, line 54 def self.reset_active_module return if all_modules.empty? active_module_key = active_module.to_s PIM::Utils.remove_const_on_parent(active_module_key) new_all_modules = @all_modules.dup new_all_modules.delete(active_module_key) @all_modules = new_all_modules end
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# File pim.rb, line 68 def self.return_json object return object.is_a?(String)? object : as_json(object).to_json if object end
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# File pim.rb, line 104 def self.review_attributes_as_json return active_module.review_attributes if not all_modules.empty? return [] end
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# File pim.rb, line 84 def self.roles_as_json return active_module.roles_as_json if not all_modules.empty? return PIM.all_roles_as_json end
set_javaify_method_call_result(result, method_call_result, key)
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# File pim.rb, line 528 def self.set_javaify_method_call_result result, method_call_result, key self.set_method_call_result(result, method_call_result, key) { |v| PIM.javaify(v) } end
set_method_call_result(result, method_call_result, key, &convert_block)
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# File pim.rb, line 522 def self.set_method_call_result result, method_call_result, key, &convert_block value = PIM.get_value(method_call_result, key) value = unless value.nil? result[key.to_s] = value unless PIM.is_empty?(value) end
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# File pim.rb, line 72 def self.to_json object return nil if object.nil? return object if object.is_a?(String) return object.to_json if object.respond_to?(:to_json) return object.to_s end
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# File pim.rb, line 94 def self.user_attributes_as_json return active_module.user_attributes if not all_modules.empty? return [] end
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# File pim.rb, line 214 def self.user_data_model_as_json user return active_module.user_data_model_as_json(user) if not all_modules.empty? end
validate_as_json(old_item, new_item, attributes = nil)
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# File pim.rb, line 598 def self.validate_as_json old_item, new_item, attributes = nil return nil if all_modules.empty? old_item = PIM::Utils.symbolized_hash(old_item) new_item = PIM::Utils.symbolized_hash(new_item) attributes = PIM::Utils.symbolized_array(attributes) validation_result = active_module.validate old_item, new_item, *attributes validation_result.as_json end
validate_items_as_json(items, opts = {})
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# File pim.rb, line 610 def self.validate_items_as_json items, opts = {} return nil if all_modules.empty? return as_json(active_module.validate_items(*items, **opts)) end
Protected Class Methods
execute_in_module(execute_module, &block)
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# File pim.rb, line 689 def self.execute_in_module execute_module, &block old_active_module = @current_active_module begin execute_module = get_module(execute_module) return nil if !execute_module @current_active_module = execute_module return execute_module.module_exec(&block) ensure @current_active_module = old_active_module end end