module PIM::AttributeTemplates
Public Instance Methods
A template for additional categorization attributes. Needs the name of the linked data model and an optional root category.
# File pim.rb, line 5228 def AdditionalCategory(additional_module_name, additional_category_name = nil) additional_module_name = additional_module_name.to_s additional_category_name = additional_category_name.to_s additional_module = PIM.get_module(additional_module_name) raise "Additional module '#{additional_module_name}' is not defined" if !additional_module if additional_category_name additional_category = query_module_category(additional_module, additional_category_name) raise "Category '#{additional_category_name}' is not defined in additional module '#{additional_module_name}'" if !additional_category end params = { :additional_module => additional_module_name, :additional_category => additional_category_name } service_name = additional_module.service_name params[:extension] = service_name unless PIM.is_empty?(service_name) return"AdditionalCategory", String, params) end
A template for “boolean” type values. Actually it works like the ‘Enum’ type, but only uses a different renderer in the editor:
When only one fixed value is specified, uses a “checkbox”
When multiple values are specified, uses “radiobuttons”
The default fixed values are simply “true” and “false”.
# File pim.rb, line 5349 def Boolean(values = { :true => "True", :false => "False" }) check_options values, type: 'Boolean', param: 'values' params = { :values => values } params[:renderer] = 'SingleBoolean' if values.length == 1 return"Boolean", String, params) end
# File pim.rb, line 5372 def Codelist(codelist_name) return"Codelist", String, { :codelist => codelist_name }) end
# File pim.rb, line 5380 def CodelistSet(codelist_name) return"CodelistSet", Array, { :codelist => codelist_name, :to_xml => ENUM_SET_TO_XML, :xml_key => 'seq', :uniq => true }) end
A template for a collection of values based on a composite attribute. This template will use a “table” renderer and thus is limited to non repeatable values inside the composite attribute. Uses “Array” for internal value representation.
# File pim.rb, line 5517 def Collection(value_attribute) attribute = data_module.attribute(value_attribute) raise "Attribute '#{value_attribute}' used in collection type is not defined" if !attribute raise "Attribute '#{value_attribute}' used in collection type must be of class Composite" if !(attribute.base_class <= Composite) return"Collection", Array, { :value_attribute => value_attribute }) end
Not actually a template, but a method to create a new Composite
class which can be used as base class in attributes
# File pim.rb, line 5508 def Composite(*args) composite =*args) DataModuleObject.set_data_module(composite, data_module) return composite end
A template for date based values. Uses simple ISO 8601 date format as default.
# File pim.rb, line 5248 def Date(format = "mediumDate") return"Date", Date, { :format => format }) end
A template for date-time based values. Uses simple ISO 8601 date-time format as default.
# File pim.rb, line 5254 def DateTime(format = "medium") return"DateTime", DateTime, { :format => format }) end
A template for dimension based values. Uses “Hash” for internal value representation. The default ‘dimension_xml_key’ is “lang” due to “historical” reasons
# File pim.rb, line 5261 def Dimensional(*args) if args.length == 1 value_class = String keys = args[0] elsif args.length == 2 value_class = args[0] keys = args[1] else raise "Wrong number of arguments: Expected either value class and dimensional keys or only dimensional keys" end check_options keys, type: 'Dimensional', param: 'keys' return'Dimensional', Hash, { :keys => keys, :value_class => value_class, :dimension_xml_key => 'lang', :to_xml => DIMENSIONAL_TO_XML }) end
A template for document values. Uses a string based URL for internal value representation.
# File pim.rb, line 5366 def Document() return"Document", String, { :check_url => true }) end
A template for a single String
value based on a dynamic list of values.
# File pim.rb, line 5340 def DynamicEnum(dynamic_values_url) return"Enum", String, { :values => {}, :dynamic_values_url => dynamic_values_url }) end
A template for a single String
value based on a fixed list of values.
# File pim.rb, line 5299 def Enum(values) check_options values, type: 'Enum', param: 'values' return"Enum", String, { :values => values }) end
A template for a multiple String
value based on a fixed list of values. Uses “Array” as base class. FIXME: Allow to specify option list and/or options directly!
# File pim.rb, line 5313 def EnumSet(value_attribute) attribute = data_module.attribute(value_attribute) raise "Attribute '#{value_attribute}' used in enum-set type is not defined" if !attribute raise "Attribute '#{value_attribute}' used in enum-set type must be of type Enum" if attribute.type_name != 'Enum' return'EnumSet', Array, { :value_attribute => value_attribute, :to_xml => ENUM_SET_TO_XML, :xml_key => 'seq', :uniq => true }) end
A template for repeatable groups of attributes based on a composite attribute. Like ‘Collection’, but allows repeatable values inside the composite attribute. Uses “Array” for internal value representation.
# File pim.rb, line 5527 def Group(value_attribute) attribute = data_module.attribute(value_attribute) raise "Attribute '#{value_attribute}' used in group type is not defined" if !attribute raise "Attribute '#{value_attribute}' used in group type must be of class Composite" if !(attribute.base_class <= Composite) return"Group", Array, { :value_attribute => value_attribute }) end
A template for image values. Uses a string based URL for internal value representation.
# File pim.rb, line 5358 def Image() return"Image", String, { :check_url => true }) end
A template for multi dimension based values. Each parameter should be specified as Array of existing attributes
# File pim.rb, line 5547 def MultiDimensional(key_members, value_members) multi_dimensional =, key_members, value_members) DataModuleObject.set_data_module(multi_dimensional, data_module) return multi_dimensional end
# File pim.rb, line 5534 def MultiReference(value_attribute) attribute = data_module.attribute(value_attribute) raise "Attribute '#{value_attribute}' used in multi-reference type is not defined" if !attribute raise "Attribute '#{value_attribute}' used in multi-reference type must be of class Composite" if !(attribute.base_class <= Composite) return"MultiReference", Array, { :value_attribute => value_attribute }) end
# File pim.rb, line 5376 def OpenCodelist(codelist_name) return"OpenCodelist", String, { :codelist => codelist_name, :skip_values_validation => true }) end
# File pim.rb, line 5389 def OpenCodelistSet(codelist_name) return"OpenCodelistSet", Array, { :codelist => codelist_name, :skip_values_validation => true, :to_xml => ENUM_SET_TO_XML, :xml_key => 'seq', :uniq => true }) end
A template for dimension based values, but does not enforce the keys to exist in the fixed list of keys. Uses “Hash” for internal value representation. The default ‘dimension_xml_key’ is “lang” due to “historical” reasons FIXME: This type does not have a UI representation yet!
# File pim.rb, line 5287 def OpenDimensional(value_class = String, keys = {}) check_options keys, type: 'OpenDimensional', param: 'keys' unless PIM.is_empty?(keys) return'OpenDimensional', Hash, { :keys => keys, :value_class => value_class, :skip_keys_validation => true, :dimension_xml_key => 'lang', :to_xml => DIMENSIONAL_TO_XML }) end
Like ‘Enum’, but does not enforce the value to exist in the fixed list of values.
# File pim.rb, line 5305 def OpenEnum(values) check_options values, type: 'OpenEnum', param: 'values' unless PIM.is_empty?(values) return"OpenEnum", String, { :values => values, :skip_values_validation => true }) end
Like ‘EnumSet’, but does not enforce the value to exist in the fixed list of values. FIXME: Allow to specify option list and/or options directly!
# File pim.rb, line 5327 def OpenEnumSet(value_attribute) attribute = data_module.attribute(value_attribute) raise "Attribute '#{value_attribute}' used in open-enum-set type is not defined" if !attribute raise "Attribute '#{value_attribute}' used in open-enum-set type must be of type OpenEnum" if attribute.type_name != 'OpenEnum' return'OpenEnumSet', Array, { :value_attribute => value_attribute, :to_xml => ENUM_SET_TO_XML, :xml_key => 'seq', :uniq => true }) end
# File pim.rb, line 5553 def Password() return"Password", String) end
A template for single physical values. Uses “Hash” for internal value representation. Values are parsed from and formatted to a string containing the value itself and it’s physical unit.
# File pim.rb, line 5483 def Physical(units, *group_names) check_options units, type: 'Physical', param: 'keys' params = { :keys => units, :value_class => Float, :formatter => PHYSICAL_FORMATTER, :parser => PHYSICAL_PARSER, :maxLength => 1, :to_xml => PHYSICAL_TO_XML } if group_names.size == 1 and is_array?(group_names[0]) group_names = group_names[0] end params[:keys_option_groups] = group_names unless group_names.empty? return'Physical', Hash, params) end
Same as Physical
except the value_class is an Integer
# File pim.rb, line 5501 def PhysicalInteger(units, *group_names) attributeTemplate = Physical(units, group_names) attributeTemplate.param(:value_class, Integer) attributeTemplate end
# File pim.rb, line 5541 def SingleReference() return"SingleReference", String) end