module PIM::Services::WorkflowService

Public Instance Methods

__workflowService() click to toggle source
# File services.rb, line 4327
def __workflowService
handle_next_singleton_workflow_events(&block) click to toggle source

Iterate over all singleton workflow events for the current workflow and delete them. ‘block’ is being called with the event’s parameters as single argument. The loop will be exited, if block’s result is ‘false’. The method returns true, if at least one task was taken from the queue and deleted.

# File services.rb, line 4323
def handle_next_singleton_workflow_events &block
queue_workflow_task(workflow_name, event_parameters) click to toggle source
# File services.rb, line 4313
def queue_workflow_task workflow_name, event_parameters
  event_parameters = PIM.javaify(event_parameters)
  __workflowService.queueWorkflowTask(workflow_name, event_parameters)