module PIM::Services::JobService
Public Instance Methods
# File services.rb, line 3612 def __job_service __service(:jobService) end
# File services.rb, line 3617 def __publication_service __service(:publicationService) end
Creates a new publication job.
job: A Hash object containing all necessary information
name: The name of the job (does not need to be unique)
publication_type: ADD or DELETE, if not given or specified value doesn’t match ADD or DELETE, ADD will be applied
selection_query: A query string for the items to publish (empty to publish all items)
destination_organization_ids: Either this or destination_channel_ids must be set
destination_channel_ids: Either this or destination_organization_ids must be set
channel_sub_destinations: Optional sub-destinations when destination_channel_ids is set
publication_values: A Hash containing additional values (optional)
schedule: A ‘schedule’ Hash object
start_date_time: When to start the job (optional, default is now)
end_date_time: When to end the job (optional, default is never or end_after_runs)
end_after_runs: How many job executions to execute (optional, default is infinite or end_date_time)
repeat_type: How to repeat, i.e. per ‘DAY, ’WEEK’, ‘MONTH’ (optional, default is no repeat at all)
repeat_every: Number value for repeat_type, i.e. “repeat every X days” (optional, but must be > 0 if repeat_type is set!)
repeat_days_of_week: Which day of the week to repeat, for repeat_type ‘WEEK’ (optional, default is current day of week)
repeat_days_of_month: Which day of the month to repeat, for repeat_type ‘MONTH’ (optional, default is current day of month)
repeat_hour: Hour of the day to execute (optional, default is current time’s hour)
repeat_minute: Minute of the day to execute (optional, default is current time’s minute)
Returns the created Java job object.
# File services.rb, line 3584 def create_publication_job job return __publication_service.createPublicationJob(PIM::Utils.unsymbolized_hash(job)) end
Deletes the specified job.
Returns true if job was deleted, false otherwise
# File services.rb, line 3600 def delete_job job_id return __job_service.deleteJob(job_id) end
# File services.rb, line 3551 def get_job job_id return __job_service.getJob(job_id) end
# File services.rb, line 3555 def get_jobs_by_name name return __job_service.getJobsByName(name) end
Runs the specified job.
Returns true if job could be started, false otherwise
# File services.rb, line 3608 def run_job job_id return __job_service.runJob(job_id) end
Stores/updates a Java job object.
Returns the updated Java job object.
# File services.rb, line 3592 def store_job job return __job_service.storeJob(job) end