class PIM::DataModelManager::LayoutManager
Public Class Methods
new(data_model, layout = nil, layout_name = nil)
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Calls superclass method
# File data-model-manager.rb, line 410 def initialize data_model, layout = nil, layout_name = nil super data_model @layout_name = layout_name @layout = layout end
Public Instance Methods
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# File data-model-manager.rb, line 420 def [] layout_name layout_name = to_sym layout_name layout = data_model.module_layouts[layout_name] if (!layout) PIM.log_warn("Could not find layout '#{layout_name}' in module '#{}'") end data_model, layout, layout_name end
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# File data-model-manager.rb, line 429 def create layout_name layout_name = PIM.to_sym(layout_name) layout = data_model.module_layouts[layout_name] if (layout && layout.modification_status != :DELETED) PIM.log_warn "Could not create layout '#{layout_name}' because it is already defined in module '#{}'" else model_defined = (layout)? layout.model_defined : false layout = data_model.layout layout_name, {} layout.modification_status = :CREATED layout.model_defined = model_defined end end
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# File data-model-manager.rb, line 466 def delete if (layout) layout.modification_status = :DELETED else PIM.log_warn("Could not delete layout '#{layout_name}' because it is not defined in module '#{}'") end end
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# File data-model-manager.rb, line 416 def sections, layout) end
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# File data-model-manager.rb, line 456 def sort_order sections layout = data_model.module_layouts[layout_name] if (layout) sections.keep_if { |section| layout.sections.include?(PIM::Utils.to_sym(section)) } layout.sort_order = sections else PIM.log_warn("Could not sort sections for layout '#{layout_name}' because it is not defined in module '#{}'") end end
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# File data-model-manager.rb, line 442 def update new_name new_name = to_sym new_name layout = data_model.module_layouts[layout_name] if (layout) model_defined = layout.model_defined data_model.module_layouts.delete layout_name layout = data_model.layout new_name, layout.sections layout.modification_status = :UPDATED layout.model_defined = model_defined else PIM.log_warn("Could not update layout '#{layout_name}' because it is not defined in module '#{}'") end end