class LANSA::XML::Writer
Public Class Methods
new(output, strip_space = false, indent = nil)
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# File xml/writer.rb, line 11 def initialize output, strip_space = false, indent = nil if output.respond_to?(:print) @stream = output else @java_sax = output begin # Due to problems with the stupid XML Java libraries interfering with the Ruby class loading, # we are using the class loader of the Java output to load an appropriate Attributes implementation attributes_class = output.get_class.get_class_loader.load_class('org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl') @java_attrs = attributes_class.new_instance rescue @java_attrs = end end @strip_space = strip_space @indent = indent @depth = -1 @should_indent = false end
Public Instance Methods
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# File xml/writer.rb, line 114 def cdata_block content if @java_sax chars = content.to_java.to_char_array @java_sax.characters chars, 0, chars.size else @stream.print "<![CDATA[#{content}]]>" end end
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# File xml/writer.rb, line 93 def characters s return if s.nil? s = s.content if s.kind_of? Nokogiri::XML::Text if @strip_space and s.strip.empty? return end if @java_sax chars = s.to_java.to_char_array @java_sax.characters chars, 0, chars.size else @should_indent = false @stream.print escape_string(s) end end
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# File xml/writer.rb, line 108 def comment content if not @java_sax @stream.print "<!--#{content}-->" end end
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# File xml/writer.rb, line 123 def depth @depth end
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# File xml/writer.rb, line 41 def end_document @java_sax.end_document if @java_sax end
end_element_namespace(name, prefix = nil, uri = nil)
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# File xml/writer.rb, line 76 def end_element_namespace name, prefix = nil, uri = nil raise "Element must not be empty" if not name or name.size == 0 if @java_sax @java_sax.end_element uri, name, name else print_indent if @last_element != name @should_indent = true @stream.print "</#{name}>" @stream.print "\n" if @depth == 0 end @depth -= 1 end
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# File xml/writer.rb, line 37 def start_document @java_sax.start_document if @java_sax end
start_element_namespace(name, attrs = [], prefix = nil, uri = nil, ns = [])
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# File xml/writer.rb, line 45 def start_element_namespace name, attrs = [], prefix = nil, uri = nil, ns = [] raise "Element must not be empty" if not name or name.size == 0 @depth += 1 if @java_sax @java_attrs.clear attrs.each do |a| raise "Attribute must not be empty" if a.localname.size == 0 value = a.value value = value.content if value.kind_of? Nokogiri::XML::Text @java_attrs.add_attribute('', a.localname, a.localname, nil, value) end @java_sax.start_element uri, name, name, @java_attrs else @should_indent = true print_indent @stream.print "<#{name}" attrs.each do |a| raise "Attribute must not be empty" if a.localname.size == 0 value = a.value value = value.content if value.kind_of? Nokogiri::XML::Text @stream.print " #{a.localname}=\"#{escape_string(value)}\"" end @stream.print '>' @last_element = name end end
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# File xml/writer.rb, line 31 def xmldecl version = DEFAULT_XML_VERSION, encoding = DEFAULT_XML_ENCODING, standalone = DEFAULT_XML_STANDALONE if not @java_sax @stream.print "<?xml version=\"#{version}\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" end end